2022 Food Waste Fighters | The River Food Pantry

We are thrilled to recognize over 60 local food retailers as Food Waste Fighters for their significant donations of food and supplies in 2022 to The River to nourish Dane County households facing food insecurity. We applaud their commitment to minimizing food waste and supporting our community!

Thanks to the Food Waste Fighters and many other supporters, The River was able to recover a total of 1.5 million pounds of food and supplies—that would have otherwise gone to waste—for our community in 2022.

Click the arrows below to scroll through the images.


ALDI, Madison East donated 10,865 pounds of food

ALDI, Sun Prairie donated 6,890 pounds of food

ALDI, Madison West donated 15,845 pounds of food

Alpha Baking Company donated 9,684 pounds of bread

AtlantisValley Foods donated 59,502 pounds of prepared food

Costco, Middleton donated 90,287 pounds of food and supplies

Costco, Verona donated 6,786 pounds of food and supplies

DeForest Windsor Food Pantry donated 2,764 pounds of food

Family Dollar, North donated 1,744 pounds of food and supplies

Festival Foods donated 115,089 pounds of food

Forward Madison FC donated 4,808 pounds of prepared food

Fresh Madison Market donated 21,323 pounds of food

Gordon Food Service donated 23,202 pounds of food

Hy-Vee, East donated 160,794 pounds of food

Ian’s Pizza donated 288 pounds of food

Kwik Trip #187 donated 9,560 pounds of food

Kwik Trip #529 donated 3,198 pounds of food

Kwik Trip #531 donated 9,940 pounds of food

Kwik Trip #949 donated 10,708 pounds of food

Kwik Trip #950 donated 719 pounds of food

Kwik Trip #952 donated 1,752 pounds of food

Kwik Trip #953 donated 3,272 pounds of food

Kwik Trip #954 donated 1,132 pounds of food

Kwik Trip #955 donated 7,329 pounds of food

Kwik Trip #958 donated 5,078 pounds of food

Kwik Trip #960 donated 897 pounds of food

Kwik Trip #961 donated 10,690 pounds of food

Kwik Trip #962 donated 8,222 pounds of food

Kwik Trip #963 donated 4,476 pounds of food

Kwik Trip #964 donated 1,429 pounds of food

Kwik Trip #1023 donated 8,153 pounds of food

Kwik Trip #1166 donated 2,894 pounds of food

Kwik Trip #1510 donated 14,140 pounds of food

Kwik Trip #1512 donated 5,254 pounds of food

Kwik Trip #1513 donated 6,048 pounds of food

Kwik Trip #1514 donated 4,621 pounds of food

Little Caesars Pizza, East donated 6,062 pounds of pizza

Little Caesars Pizza, South donated 5,457 pounds of pizza

Little Caesars Pizza, West donated 6,769 pounds of pizza

Madison Mallards donated 4,530 pounds of prepared food

Madison Metropolitan School District donated 11,215 pounds of food

Metcalfe’s Market, Hilldale donated 14,810 pounds of food

Metcalfe’s Market, West Towne donated 67,534 pounds of food

Metro Market, Century donated 10,208 pounds of food and supplies

Metro Market, Cottage Grove donated 36,526 pounds of food

Neesvig’s donated 16,334 pounds of food

Northside Farmers’ Market donated 2,084 pounds of food

Nutkrack donated 316 pounds of food

Penzeys Spices donated 12,399 pounds of spices

Pick ‘n Save, Junction donated 12,079 pounds of food and supplies

Pick ‘n Save, Shopko donated 17,039 pounds of food and supplies

Starbucks, Capitol Square donated 841 pounds of food

Target, Hilldale donated 94,446 pounds of food and supplies

Target, Madison East donated 39,270 pounds of food and supplies

Target, Madison West donated 80,827 pounds of food and supplies

Target, Sun Prairie donated 75,868 pounds of food and supplies

Trader Joe’s donated 87,263 pounds of food and supplies

Walmart #1138 donated 6,312 pounds of food and supplies

Walmart #2335 donated 71,372 pounds of food and supplies

Walmart #3857 donated 138,602 pounds of food and supplies

Whole Foods Market donated 79,736 pounds of food

Willy Street Co-op, East donated 902 pounds of food

Willy Street Co-op, North donated 15,637 pounds of food

Willy Street Co-op, West donated 2,422 pounds of food

Wonderstate Coffee donated 632 pounds of food

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