American Family Insurance Interns Select The River For Share Tank | The River Food Pantry

Three summer interns at American Family Insurance selected The River Food Pantry as their non-profit for the second annual American Family Insurance Share Tank Intern Challenge. American Family Insurance’s “Share Tank” project required ten teams of interns to select a local non-profit organization, interview its managers, volunteer, identify a need for the business and then develop a solution to the need.

 Like the television program, “Shark Tank”, the teams then created a proposal and pitched it to a panel of judges at the American Family Insurance headquarters on Thursday, July 27.


During their presentation, interns Jack Bergan, Michael Migliore, and Sam Jones expressed The River’s need for a data software that helps people sign up to volunteer. They did a great presentation explaining The River’s mission, the impact The River has on the community and how vital volunteers are.

In the end, judges selected the interns who presented on behalf of Wild Warner Park who received $10,000 to help put much needed signs up in the park. Jim Carrier is a founder of the non profit as well as a former board member of The River food Pantry!

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The River Food Pantry as well as the other non profits who did not win, received $1,000 from American Family Insurance Dreams Foundation. The River is honored to have participated again this year and proud of the interns who worked hard on this project.

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