Magic 98 Live Broadcast from The River on Nov. 9 | The River Food Pantry

Join Pat and Lanette from Magic 98 for a live radio remote broadcast at The River Food Pantry (2201 Darwin Road, Madison) on Thursday, November 9 from 6 am–3 pm to kick off the season of giving!

Our goal for the day is to collect 200 holiday pies (all flavors welcome), as well as all other nonperishables, hygiene items, diapers, and financial donations.

Stop by or donate online. For every $10 you donate, The River will be able to purchase an additional pie for our clients to enjoy over the holidays. We will happily accept donations of cash or check. You can also give via Venmo (@RiverFoodPantry) or online at in support of our HOPE (Help Other People Eat) Holiday Food Drive.

BONUS: When you drop off your donations during the live broadcast, you will have an opportunity to sign up to win VIP seats to see Jim Brickman ‘HITS LIVE! and a Little Bit of Christmas’ on Sunday, November 12 at 3pm at Overture Center. The winner will also introduce Jim on stage the day of the show!

Tune in to Magic 98 all day long on November 9 to learn more about The River and how you can help nourish Dane County this holiday season.

The day before, Pat and Helen Osborn-Senatus, The River’s Director of Operations, will talk about this event on Channel 3 on Wednesday, Nov. 8 at 4 pm!

Pantry News

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