2017 Million Pound Challenge: Get Healthy, Help the Hungry | The River Food Pantry

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Join the Million Pound Challenge and raise food for our community members struggling with hunger. Sign up now at www.princetonclub.net/mpc and select River Food Pantry and join Team River! 

The River Food Pantry is once again participating in the Million Pound Challenge. To join our team follow these steps:

1. Go to: www.princetonclub.net/mpc (you don’t have to be a member to participate)

2. Click the Join a Team button.

3. Select your preference of Exercise or Weight Loss (most people do exercise)

4. Select a Team: The River Food Pantry

5. Fill in your information

6. Select a Benefiting Hunger-Relief Organization: River Food Pantry, The (Madison, Dane County)

7. Click the Register button

You will receive an email with instructions on how to log your exercise hours or weight loss. Exercise hours and weight loss is logged once a week on Friday. 

There’s no cost to participate or obligation to join a health club. You can work out at home! The Million Pound Challenge is opento anyone so share this message with friends, family and coworkers through email and social media. 

Thank you for your support and good luck!

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