Sign Up To Volunteer | The River Food Pantry

Volunteering is a great way to support The River Food Pantry. There are multiple opportunities for you to volunteer in the upcoming months!


Public Shopping Session

As always, The River needs a lot of helping hands every week in order to run five public shopping sessions. Click here to find days and times volunteers are needed.




The River’s mobile lunch program, Madison Urban Nutritional Children’s Hotspot (MUNCH) provides packed lunches for children and teenagers living in north side neighborhoods every Saturday, Sunday and non-school days. During summer vacation, MUNCH will be distributing lunches all everyday of the week!

Sign up here to volunteer.



The Wisconsin Badger Connection

The River Food Pantry is operating a concession stand at all the University of Wisconsin football and men’s basketball games. The River receives a percentage of all concession sales and all funds raised will go directly to paying for food for individuals and families struggling to put food on the table. Please consider volunteering to help us out. Please email us or fill out the form under How can I help? if you are interested in helping out. The following link provides the current football schedule.

Pantry News

Blooming with Excitement: Spring Updates on The River

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