Third-Party Fundraisers - The River Food Pantry | The River Food Pantry

Third-Party Fundraisers

How YOU can help support food insecure households in Dane County

You have wanted to make a difference in our community. You understand that access to sufficient healthy food at all times is not a guarantee for some households in Dane County.

The River Food Pantry invites you to help improve the lives of thousands of local families facing food insecurity by starting your own third-party fundraiser!

What is a third-party fundraiser?

Third-party fundraisers are any events, sales, or drives where funds are collected by an outside organization or group to support a nonprofit organization, like The River.

What are some examples of third-party fundraisers?

Here are some ways that your group can have fun, raise awareness of food insecurity, and give back to the community by supporting over 2,500 people who depend on The River’s services every week:

  • Bake sale
  • Brat stand
  • Bowling tournament where the ticket sales benefit The River
  • Car wash
  • Concert
  • Craft sale
  • Donations in lieu of wedding or birthday gifts
  • Donations in memory of loved ones
  • Garage sale
  • Lemonade stand
  • Raffles: 50/50, raffle baskets, etc.
  • Run/walk
  • Dress down day at work or school with participation fee donated to The River
  • Hairdressers/salons “Cut out Hunger” day/month to support The River
  • Happy hour with a percentage or flat donation per beverage to support The River
  • Restaurant night with percentage of sales revenues supporting The River
  • Wine tasting/wine and cheese event where you invite an expert and charge admission

What do I need to start a third-party fundraiser?

The number one thing you need is the “want” to support The River! If you have any questions, please contact We can provide you with our logo and other in-house marketing materials, such as informational flyers about our services. If you create a Facebook event, we would love to add it to our Facebook page to help spread awareness of your efforts.

Thank you for supporting our mission to provide food, resources and faith to build a stronger community!

Please note: The River Food Pantry does not employ paid fundraisers. The River Food Pantry will not sell, share, or trade its donors’ emails, addresses, phone numbers, and any other donor information for both online and offline donations. The River Food Pantry will respect the privacy wishes of all donors. People raising funds for The River under false pretenses will be asked to cease. The River retains the rights of all its logos and branded material.

Pantry News

The River Ride: A Charity Bike Ride Supporting The River Food Pantry

A scenic ride on April 26 through the Sugar River Valley to help fight hunger in South Central Wisconsin  ....