Volunteering Opportunities - The River Food Pantry | The River Food Pantry


Volunteer at The River

Volunteering at The River gives people a feeling of satisfaction. A sense of fulfillment. It’s about providing nutrition while nourishing a connected community. The River counts on neighbors to help neighbors in need. We invite you to step inside. See who we serve. See how we serve. See why we serve.

Current Volunteer Opportunities


Sign Up to Volunteer

NEW Volunteer

To become a NEW volunteer at The River, please fill out this application form.

To sign up for court-ordered community service at The River, please complete this application form instead.

CURRENT Volunteer

If you are a registered volunteer at The River, please log in to sign up to volunteer again.

Thank you for your continued support!

GROUP of Volunteers

Want to volunteer as a group with your church, student group, organization or company? Please email volunteer@riverfoodpantry.org with your group size and available dates. Groups must receive a confirmation email from The River staff in order to volunteer.

NOTE: The maximum number of volunteers per shift varies based on the volunteer opportunity. The most we can accommodate in a single shift is a total of 14 people split between Pantry Session and FAM Meal Prep. If your group is larger than this, we can work with you to try to coordinate smaller groups over multiple shifts.


To sign up for court-ordered community service at The River, please complete this application form.

Must be at least 18 years old.

Pantry News

Curbside Breakfast with the Bunny 2025

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Thoughtful Giving Panel Presentation

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