Volunteer FAQs - The River Food Pantry | The River Food Pantry

Frequently Asked Questions

Can we just show up or do we need to sign up ahead of time?

We are striving to keep the number of people onsite at one time as low as possible. To achieve this goal, we need to know who is coming to each shift. Please sign up online for a specific shift in advance. If you need assistance, send an email to volunteer@riverfoodpantry.org or call 608-661-1224.

Groups: If you would like to volunteer as a group, please contact volunteer@riverfoodpantry.org or 608-661-1224 for more information.

Can we bring children?

As the environment is fast-paced with a lot of heavy lifting, we ask that all pantry volunteers be at least 16 years old and wear closed-toed shoes.

Children ages 8–15 can volunteer with an adult through Munch distribution. Munch meal prep volunteers should be at least 16 years old.

Can I volunteer with my group?

If you would like to volunteer as a group with your church, student group, organization or company, please email volunteer@riverfoodpantry.org with your group size and available dates. Groups must receive a confirmation email from The River staff in order to volunteer.

The maximum number of volunteers per shift varies based on the volunteer opportunity. The most we can accommodate in a single shift is a total of 14 people split between Pantry Session and FAM Meal Prep. If your group is larger than this, we can work with you to try to coordinate smaller groups over multiple shifts.

Can we bring in donations when we volunteer?

When you come in to volunteer, we would be grateful for any donations of non-perishable food or personal care items. Here are our most-needed items. We appreciate monetary donations as well. We are grateful for any and all donations!

Pantry News

The River Ride: A Charity Bike Ride Supporting The River Food Pantry

A scenic ride on April 26 through the Sugar River Valley to help fight hunger in South Central Wisconsin  ....